

   我是spaceJmmy,喜欢编程,爱好唱歌(Jmmy就是J迷的音译, haha, 我是俊杰迷啦),一直想着打篮球,但总找借口说没时间,因为我觉得陷入技术中会让人忘我,其实是自己水平太菜啦,23333,不过我还是挺喜欢运动的。然后呢,希望通过写博客记录下学习的点点滴滴,记录下自己的成长之路……


林俊杰的《2infinity And Beyond》, 很欢快,很动感

林俊杰的《2infinity And Beyond》

   《2infinity And Beyond》林俊杰与日本潮牌教父Nigo合作的“Time Machine 时光机”主题曲,由Kyler England作词,林俊杰包揽作曲、编曲和制作,于2016年9月15日正式发行[1] 。



2infinity And Beyond - 林俊杰
词:Kyler England
制作协调:Gary Leo
鼓:Brendan Buckley

I’ve been going in circles
With no direction
Round and round I am spinning
Just when I think I’m moving forward
I discover
That I’m back at the beginning
But morning comes I see the sun rise
And it reminds me
Every day is a new day
And if it takes a million more tries
I’ll never give up
I know I will find a way
Though it’s hard to see
But the power is inside of me
If we dare to dream
I know we can do anything hey hey
Love is all we need
Together we’ll fly
To infinity and beyond
If we only believe
We can reach the sky
To infinity and beyond
Oh oh oh
To infinity and beyond
Oh oh oh
To infinity and beyond
I’ve been going in circles
With no direction
Round and round I am spinning
Just when I think I’m moving forward
I discover
That I’m back at the beginning
But morning comes I see the sun rise
And it reminds me
Every day is a new day
And if it takes a million more tries
I’ll never give up
I know I will find a way
Though it’s hard to see
But the power is inside of me
If we dare to dream
I know we can do anything hey hey
Love is all we need
Together we’ll fly
To infinity and beyond
If we only believe
We can reach the sky
To infinity and beyond
Oh oh oh
To infinity and beyond
Oh oh oh
To infinity and beyond
Love is all we need
Together we’ll fly
To infinity and beyond
If we only believe
We can reach the sky
To infinity and beyond